c-chart | p- and c-Charts |
calculation of quartiles | Quartile |
calibration | Calibration |
| Classification vs. Calibration |
| Multivariate Calibration |
causal model | Modeling |
causality | Correlation and Causality |
central limit theorem | Central Limit Theorem |
Challenger disaster | Correlation - Challenger disaster |
chance correlation | Chance Correlation |
| Exercise - Chance Correlation |
characteristical equation | Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues - Advanced Discussion |
charts | Graphing Standards |
Chebyshev's theorem | Chebyshev's Theorem |
chemical structures | Exercise - Estimation of Boiling Points from Chemical Structure |
| Exercise - Estimation of Henry's Constant from Chemical Structure |
| Exercise - The Effect of Collinear Variables on MLR Models |
chemometrics | Literature References - Chemometrics |
chi-square distribution | Chi-Square Distribution |
chi-square test | One Sample Chi-Square-Test |
| Chi-Square Test |
city block distance | Distance and Similarity Measures |
class width | Histograms |
classification | Classification vs. Calibration |
| Discrimination and Classification |
| KNN classification |
| Literature References - Cluster Analysis, Classification |
| Exercise - Classification of unknown wine samples by PCA |
click history | Textbook Navigator |
cluster analysis | Agglomerative Clustering |
| Cluster Analysis |
| Literature References - Cluster Analysis, Classification |
| Exercise - Similar Mineral Waters |
coefficient of determination | Regression - Coefficient of Determination |
coefficient of variation | Coefficient of Variation |
coefficients, Savitzky-Golay | Savitzky-Golay Filter - Coefficients |
coins | Data Set - Weights of Coins |
collinear variables | Exercise - The Effect of Collinear Variables on MLR Models |
collinearity | MLR and Collinearity |
combination | Counting Rules |
common questions on ANNs | Common Questions about ANNs |
communicating tubes | Mean |
commutative law | Calculating with Sets |
comparing means | One-Sample t-Test - Large Samples |
| Comparing means |
complementary events | Complementary Sets and Subsets |
conditional probability | Bayesian Rule |
| Conditional Probability |
| Independent Events |
confidence interval | MLR - Analysis of Variance |
| Confidence Interval of the Mean |
| Regression - Confidence Interval |
| MLR - Estimation of New Observations |
confounded variables | Confounded Variables |
contributors | Contributors and Coworkers |
control charts | Control Charts |
| p- and c-Charts |
| x- and R-Charts |
convolution | Convolution - Introduction |
| Convolution - Mathematical Details |
| Filters - Mathematical Background |
correlation | Convolution - Mathematical Details |
| Correlation |
| Autocorrelation |
| Correlation and Causality |
| Correlation - Challenger disaster |
| Pearson's Correlation Coefficient |
| Distribution of the Correlation Coefficient |
| Examples of Correlations |
| Covariance |
| Scatter, Covariance, and Correlation Matrix |
| Test: Correlation Coefficient |
| Exercise - Design a data set with predefined correlations |
correlation coefficient | Correlation |
| Pearson's Correlation Coefficient |
| Distribution of the Correlation Coefficient |
| Spearman's Rank Correlation |
| Test: Correlation Coefficient |
correlation matrix | Scatter, Covariance, and Correlation Matrix |
| PCA - Different Forms |
counting rules | Counting Rules |
course designer | Course Designer |
courses, overview | Courses |
covariance | Covariance |
covariance matrix | Scatter, Covariance, and Correlation Matrix |
| PCA - Different Forms |
coworkers | Contributors and Coworkers |
cross-validation | Cross-Validation |
| Validation of Models |
cumulative frequency distribution | Cumulative Frequency Distribution |
curve fitting | Literature References - Curve Fitting and Function Approximation |
| Exercise - Calculate a polynomial fit by means of MLR |
curvilinear regression | Curvilinear Regression |