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Electronics Varia
A Trip Into Space is a nice compilation of commented photos from space. The photo material is mostly based on photos obtained from NASA. Topics include the sun, the planets, asteroids, stars and galaxies, and space crafts.

approx. 400 pages with 350 photos; copyright: Creative Commons License

Arabian Nights is the Web implementation of a book originally published in 1907 by Laurence Housman, retelling the "Stories from the Arabian Nights". So, if you have had enough of physics, electronics, or math - just relax and enjoy these famous fairy tales.

approx. 170 pages with 50 drawings and photos; copyright: Creative Commons License

Country Studies - Austria is an eBook originally published by the US Library of Congress, providing background information on Austria's geography, politics and culture. The original material has been extended by many contemporary photos.

approx. 180 pages with 60 images and photos; copyright: Creative Commons License

Country Studies - Mongolia is an eBook originally published by the US Library of Congress, providing background information on Mongolia's geography, politics and culture. The original material has been extended by many contemporary photos.

approx. 175 pages with 70 images and photos; copyright: Creative Commons License

Earth from Space is an eBook describing our planet from a satellite's perspective.

approx. 300 pages with approx. 330 photos and maps; copyright: Creative Commons License

VIAS Encyclopedia: an ever-growing dictionary on science and engineering. This ebook currently contains about 800 topics from science and engineering.

approx. 800 pages; copyright: Creative Commons License

VIAS Science Cartoons contains a collection of cartoons illustrating some topics dealing with mathematics, statistics, physics, and chemistry.... mainly just for fun, enjoy it!

about 75 cartoons; copyright: free usage for non-commercial puposes