You are working with the text-only light edition of "H.Lohninger: Teach/Me Data Analysis, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York-Tokyo, 1999. ISBN 3-540-14743-8". Click here for further information.

How to use Teach/Me

Teach/Me is an integrated system for computer assisted training in network-based environments. It provides a wide variety of functions to support the compilation of teaching material, and its presentation to the student, as well as support for examinations and exercises. Teach/Me has been designed to be a "host" for lectures on any subject. Furthermore, Teach/Me can be used in two modes: (1) as a stand-alone application for the home learner, and (2) as a network-based version for use in the (virtual) class room.

Teach/Me Data Analysis consists of several sub units which are partly interconnected. All of these sub units can be accessed via the Teach/Me main menu which is displayed after starting Teach/Me:
Textbook The textbook contains all the teaching material available.
DataLab A program to conduct statistical calculations.
Courses + Designer Courses on different topics and a designer to compile courses of your own. 
Exams + Designer A tool to perform network-based examinations.
Introduction An introductory text on how to use Teach/Me.
Help The Teach/Me help system.
Who is who The Teach/Me co-authors and co-workers.
Acknowledgments The sponsors of the project.
Registered users Registered users may access our Teach/Me support server

Last Update: 2005-Jul-16