This is the Web Edition of "A Trip Into Space", a Coimbra-based electronic book on space science. Both the texts and the photos are by courtesy of National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Index D...

DactylIda's moon
 Asteroid Ida's Moon Dactyl (In Color)
 Asteroid Ida's Moon Dactyl (In False Color)
 Asteroid Ida's Moon Dactyl - A Natural Satellite
DanilovaVenus - 3-D Perspective View Of The"Crater Farm"
David ScottThe Moon - Surface Picture Of Astronaut, Rover And Rim Of Hadley Rille
Degas CraterMercury - Degas Crater
DeimosMars' Satellite Deimos From 1,400 Km
 Mars' Satellite Deimos - Craters And Streaks
 Asteroid Gaspra - Comparison With Deimos And Phobos
Delta ScorpiiSaturn's F-Ring
DioneSaturn From Voyager 2
 Saturn And Its Satellites
 Saturn - An Infrared View
 Saturn's Satellite Dione
 Saturn - Small Satellites
Discovery quadrangleMercury - Copley Crater
domesVenus - "Pancake Domes" In Alpha Regio
 Jupiter's Satellite Europa 9
Dostoevskij craterMercury - Craters
 Mercury - Michelangelo Quadrangle
doubly- ionized oxygen atomsGas Pillars In Eagle Nebula M16
 Star-Birth Clouds In Eagle Nebula M16
doubly-ionized oxygenHourglass Nebula Around A Dying Star
downloadRelease History and Download
dustMars - Full Rotation
 Young Binary Stars - A Possible Planet?
 Star-Birth Clouds In Eagle Nebula M16
dust stormMars - Springtime Dust Storm Swirls At North Pole
dying starCometary Knots Around A Dying Star

Last Update: 2005-Nov-01