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Accessing a file on a DOS/Windows floppyUse "mtools", no mounting required. For example, I can use the mdir command to quickly inspect the contents of the root directory on my DOS floppy: mdir a:\ I can also use mcopy to copy the file "autoexec.bat" from the root directory on the floppy to my current directory on Linux: mcopy a:\autoexec.bat . You have to be root to be able to write to a floppy.
man mtype will show me how to display the contents of a text file on a DOS partition. To access DOS drives other than a: or b:, you have to configure mtools so as to indicate which devices are associated with other DOS "drive letters". This is quite easy--you just edit and modify the file /etc/mtools.conf. I typically use pico to do it (as root): pico /etc/mtools.conf For example, my /etc/mtools contains a line like this: drive c: file="/dev/hda1" which instructs the mtools that the partition "/dev/hda1" will be called "c:" The setup of /etc/mtools.conf requires just uncommenting (removing the "#" at the beginning of the line) and adjusting the appropriate entry.
Home Newbie Guide Administrator FAQ Accessing my drives Accessing a file on a DOS/Windows floppy |