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Kids&Science Diet Drinking Thirst | |
See also: Juices, Soft Drinks..., Drinking, Milk Froth - Beer Froth |
ThirstThe human body consists of 50-60% water. All chemical reactions of the body take place in aqueous solutions, which means that the body has to have enough fluids (i.e. water) to function properly! How long can you stand living without water?The sensation of being thirsty is a signal of the body. Thirst indicates that there is a need for fluids. It is either caused by a lack of fluids or by an elevated concentration of table salt. Humans are able to survive for weeks without food, but not without water. Depending on the extent of the lack of water, the following effects occur: 0,5-1% of the body weight (0.3-0.7 litre): first signs of thirst 1-2%: so-called "mild dehydration", first limitations of the body. The blood gets thicker, and therefore has more difficulties flowing through the blood vessels. The result is a poorer oxygen and energy supply to the cells. 2-3%: The body needs at least 24 hours and a lot of liquids to compensate for this sever lack. This process is called rehydration. 3-4%: The mouth gets extremely dry, the production of urine is practically stopped, headaches and constipation occur and a general indisposition is felt. 5%: The heart has to pump the by now very thick blood through the fine blood vessels with more and more pressure and is not up to that task. A considerably increased pulse (quickened heartbeat) is the result, and the body temperature rises (fever). After 1-2 days of such an intense lack of liquid, headaches, dizziness, nausea, muscle cramps and disturbances of the blood supply begin to show. This condition is already very dangerous and by all means has to be treated by a doctor! 10%: States of confusion and fantasies occur (the brain is not supplied properly any longer). 20%: Such a great lack of water inevitably leads to death caused by circulatory and renal collapse. The body dies of thirst! Drinking increases the ability to concentrate.Studies have shown that a pupil exhales and transpires up to 0.5 litres of water in the course of a morning at school. This is not dangerous, but already leads to a reduced ability to concentrate. If you drink a small glass of water during each break, this will increase your ability to think logically and your ability to learn by 30%! Beverages containing sugar and carbonic acid (soft drinks) balance this lack of water only poorly or not at all, so they are not able to considerably raise the ability to concentrate. Drinking and StrainIf the body is subjected to particular strains like sport or heat, it uses up considerably more water. If you do a lot of sport, don’t wait until you feel thirsty, since you will have already lost part of your capability. Regular drinking saves the body a lot of unnecessary effort, and will keep you fit! |
Material courtesy of Kids&Science Foundation |
Web space and technical support provided by Epina GmbH |
Last Update: 2004-Feb-29 |