The ebook Elementary Calculus is based on material originally written by H.J. Keisler. For more information please read the copyright pages.

Useful Geometrical Formulas Frequently Needed

Here is a list of formulas from plane and solid geometry which will be useful in related rates problems.

We always let A = area and V = volume.

Rectangle with sides a and b

A = ab,

perimeter = 2a + 2b

Triangle with base b and height h A = ½bh
Circle of radius r

A = πr2,

circumference = 2πr

Sector (pie slice) of a circle of radius r and central angle θ (measured in radians) A = ½r2θ
Rectangular solid with sides a,b,c V = abc
Sphere of radius r

V = ¾πr3,

A = 4πr2

Right circular cylinder, base of radius r, height of h

V = πr2h,

A = 2πrh

Prism with base of area B and height h V = Bh
Right circular cone, base of radius r, height h

V = πr2h/3,



Last Update: 2006-11-05