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Variables are often numbers, different types of variables (measurements)
have to be distinguished. Following Stevens
and Conover
, four types
of scales can be distinguished:
Nominal scale: this scale is based on a set of qualitative attributes.
There is no criterion to order the items of a nominally scaled variable.
Examples: species, sex, treatment groups in experimental designs.
Ordinal scale: this scale refers to measurements that can be ordered
in terms of "greater", "less" or "equal". Observations need not be equidistant.
Examples: percentile ranks, ranks in a race.
Interval scale: equally spaced units along the scale without a predefined
zero point. Examples: temperature (in C, F, or R), water level.
Ratio scale: equally spaced units along the scale with true zero
point. Examples: temperature in K, weight, driving speed
Please note that arithmetic operations are only meaningful for interval
and ratio scales. Multiplication and division is meaningful only for ratio
Last Update: 2006-Jän-18