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Random Variable
In many cases, the outcome of an experiment is already numeric, and
we use the numbers "as they are", in other cases, some transformation is
necessary. One example is the measurement of the temperature of a liquid.
The fundamental basis is the speed of molecules. As a consequence of this
physical property, we experience temperature. The function which assigns
the average speed of molecules to a numerical value (the temperature) is
called random variable.
In other cases, the outcome of an experiment is basically not a number
but some "informal" property. In order to deal with such cases we have
to find a "function" which assigns a number to each possible result.
Example: a person throws three dice. Suppose we are interested in cases,
when two dice and when all three dice show the same number of eyes. We
therefore define a function which assigns a value of three to the random
variable in the case that all three dice show the same number of eyes,
a value of two if only two dice satisfy the defined condition, and a zero
value if this condition is not satisfied at all.
Hint: The terms random variable and random
number are often mixed up, although they have nothing in common except
the word "random".
Last Update: 2006-Jän-17