This is the Web Edition of "A Trip Into Space", a Coimbra-based electronic book on space science. Both the texts and the photos are by courtesy of National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Saturnian Satellite Fact Sheet

Bulk parameters

                            Mass       Radius     Mean density    Visual geometric albedo
                         (1020 kg)       (km)       (kg/m3)
Major Satellites
  Mimas (SI)                0.375   209 x 196 x 191   1,140                 0.5
  Enceladus (SII)           0.73    256 x 247 x 245   1,120                 1.0
  Tethys (SIII)             6.22    536 x 528 x 526   1,000                 0.9
  Dione (SIV)              11.0           560         1,440                 0.7
  Rhea (SV)                23.1           764         1,240                 0.7

  Titan (SVI)           1,345.5         2,575         1,881                 0.22
  Hyperion (SVII)           0.2     185 x 140 x 113                         0.3
  Iapetus (SVIII)          15.9           718         1,020             0.05 / 0.5

Lesser Satellites
  Pan (SXVIII)                             10                               0.5
  Atlas (SXV)                      18.5 x 17.2 x 13.5                       0.8
  Prometheus (SXVI)       0.0014      74 x 50 x 34      270                 0.5
  Pandora (SXVII)         0.0013      55 x 44 x 31      420                 0.7
  Epimetheus (SXI)        0.0054      69 x 55 x 55      630                 0.8
  Janus (SX)              0.0192      97 x 95 x 77      650                 0.9

  Calypso (SXIV)                      15 x 8 x 8                            1.0
  Telesto (SXII)                    15 x 12.5 x 7.5                         1.0
  Helene (SXII)                      18 x 16 x 15                           0.7
  Phoebe (SIX)            0.004    115 x 110 x 105                          0.06

Orbital parameters

                                      Semimajor axis          Period*   Inclination  Eccentricity
                               (103 km)  (Saturnian Radii)     (days)    (degrees)
Major Satellites
  Mimas (SI)                     185.52         3.0751      0.9424218       1.53        0.0202
  Enceladus (SII)                238.02         3.9453      1.370218        0.00        0.0045
  Tethys (SIII)                  294.66         4.8841      1.887802        1.86        0.0000
  Dione (SIV)                    377.40         6.2556      2.736915        0.02        0.0022
  Rhea (SV)                      527.04         8.7360      4.517500        0.35        0.0010

  Titan (SVI)                  1,221.83        20.253      15.945421        0.33        0.0292
  Hyperion (SVII)              1,481.1         24.550      21.276609        0.43        0.1042
  Iapetus (SVIII)              3,561.3         59.030      79.330183       14.72        0.0283

Lesser Satellites
  Pan (SXVIII)                   133.583        2.2142      0.5750
  Atlas (SXV)                    137.670        2.2820      0.6019          0.3         0.000
  Prometheus (SXVI)              139.353        2.3098      0.6130          0.0         0.0024
  Pandora (SXVII)                141.700        2.3512      0.6285          0.0         0.0042
  Epimetheus (SXI)               151.422        2.5099      0.6942          0.34        0.009
  Janus (SX)                     151.472        2.5107      0.6945          0.14        0.007

  Calypso (SXIV)                 294.66         4.8841      1.8878         ~0          ~0
  Telesto (SXII)                 294.66         4.8841      1.8878         ~0          ~0
  Helene (SXII)                  377.40         6.256       2.7369          0.0         0.005
  Phoebe (SIX)                12,952          214.69      550.48R         175.3         0.1633
*R indicates retrograde motion

Last Update: 2004-Nov-27