Radio Antenna Engineering is a free introductory textbook on radio antennas and their applications. See the editorial for more information....

Symbols Frequently Used In Text

Author: Edmund A. Laport

Symbols Meaning
A Area included in current-distribution plot, degree-amperes; also a symbol for special quantities
C Capacitance in farads
c Free-space wave velocity (3108 meters per second)
D Distance
d Diameter; distance
E Electric field strength, volts per meter
F Field strength; a functional notation
f Frequency; a functional notation
f0 Fundamental frequency
G Length of a conductor, electrical degrees
Gh Length of a horizontal conductor, electrical degrees
Gv Length of a vertical conductor, electrical degrees
G0 Length of a vertical conductor, radians
h Height above ground
I Current, amperes
j Operator = = a 90-degree rotation counterclockwise
L Inductance in henrys
l Length (physical)
Q Dissipation factor X/R; a standing-wave ratio Imax/Imin
R Resistance, ohms
r Radial distance
V Potential, volts
v Velocity of propagation, meters per second
W Power, watts
X Reactance, ohms
Z Impedance, ohms
Z0 Characteristic impedance, ohms
Zm Mutual impedance, ohms
α Angle above the horizontal; also the attenuation factor in the propagation constant
β Azimuth angle from some reference direction
ε Inductivity or dielectric constant
θ A colatitude angle in polar coordinates; also occasionally used as general designation for an angle
λ Free-space wavelength in meters
λ0 Fundamental wavelength in meters
ρ Radius
σ Conductivity
φ Phase difference; a longitude angle in polar coordinates
ψ Phase difference; a latitude angle
ω Angular frequency 2πf

1 This is the value used for ordinary engineering purposes. The latest measurements give the velocity as 299,792 kilometers per second.

Last Update: 2011-03-19