Other Conversion Programs
The converters we've discussed so far barely scratch the surface of
what is available. If one includes image editors and viewers that can
convert images in addition to dedicated conversion tools, there are
well over one hundred applications capable of converting to and from
the PNG format.[38b]
Many of these were listed in the previous two chapters
and are well worth considering, particularly for users who may be
uncomfortable dealing with command-line programs.
Here is a list of some of the other dedicated (or nearly dedicated) image
converters that support PNG. The most recent version as of January 1999 is
given wherever possible.
- ColourEdit
Version of April 3, 1997, Julian Highfield. Available as
an OpenDoc part for Mac 68k/PPC (mostly tested with OpenDoc 1.1 and Mac OS
System 7.1.2); read/write support for PNGs.
- Creator
Version 3.22, John Kortink. Available for Acorn RISC OS;
read/write support for PNGs; no alpha or gamma support.
- dicom2
Version 1.8, Sébastien Barré. Available for Windows
9x/NT, Linux x86, SunOS/Solaris SPARC; write-only support for PNGs; supports
conversion of 12-bit medical formats to 16-bit grayscale PNGs.
- Ghostscript
Version 5.50, Aladdin Enterprises. Available for Unix,
VMS, OS/2, Windows 9x/NT, and Mac 68k/PPC; older versions available for
Windows 3.x, DOS, Amiga, Atari, and possibly Acorn RISC OS; write-only support
for PNGs.
- gj2png
Version of February 13, 1997, Neil Aggarwal. Available for any
platform supporting Java 1.1 or later; write-only support for PNGs.
- Icons Control 95
Version 7.02, Chris Doan. Available for Windows
9x/NT; read-only support for PNGs (converts various image formats to
Windows .ico format).
- Image Arithmetic
Version 2.2a, Richard van Paasen. Available for
Windows 9x/NT; read/write support for PNGs.
- LatinByrd
Version III v6, Stefan Schneider Software. Available for
NeXTStep/OpenStep on 68k/x86/HP-PA/SPARC; write-only support for PNGs; can
quantize 32-bit RGBA TIFF images to 8-bit RGBA-palette PNGs.
- PicCon
Version 2.50, Morten Eriksen. Available for Amiga; read-only;
requires a PNG datatype such as those from Cloanto or Andreas Kleinert.
- PNG-Box
Version 3.25, Andreas Kleinert. Available for Amiga 68k/PPC;
write-only support for PNGs; supports interlacing and single-color transparency.
PNG-Box is a graphical ``any to PNG'' conversion utility that uses Andreas's own
SuperView Library for its image support instead of datatypes.
- !Png2Spr
Version 1.14, Tom Tanner. Available for Acorn RISC OS;
read-only support for PNGs (converts to Acorn sprite format).
- ptot
Version of March 10, 1995, Lee Daniel Crocker. Available as
portable source code (does not require libpng or zlib);
read-only support for PNGs (converts to TIFF); full gamma support (writes
TIFF TransferFunction tag); full alpha support for true alpha channels (no
palette-alpha or ``cheap transparency'' support).
- SmartSaver
Version 3.0, Ulead Systems. Available for 32-bit Windows;
read/write support for PNGs; full alpha support, including at least single-color
palette transparency (not clear whether full RGBA-palette translucency is
supported); reportedly cannot write 1-bit (bilevel) images.
- Spr2Png
Version 0.04b, Darren Salt. Available for Acorn RISC OS;
write-only support for PNGs; full alpha support via secondary sprite that is
used as a transparency mask or alpha channel; supports interlacing and
background color. An older version was reported
to produce streaks in
conversions of newer (post-RPC) sprites, but this appears to be fixed in the
current release.
- ThumbNailer
Version 5.2, Smaller Animals Software. Available for
32-bit Windows; read/write support for PNGs; supports transparency, background
color, and text; claims full gamma support.
- Ultraconv
Version 3.0p1, Felix Schwarz. Available for Amiga 68k/PPC;
read/write support for PNGs (natively since version 1.6, or via a datatype for
earlier versions); no alpha or gamma support.
New conversion utilities and updated information on the ones listed here can
be found at the Image-Conversion Applications with PNG Support web page
at the PNG home site, http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/pngapcv.html.
This URL is expected to be stable for years, but of course there are no
guarantees on the World Wide Web! Use a search engine to look for the title
string or for one of the more oddly named utilities listed if the link
should ever break.