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Alexander Meißner

Alexander Meißner was born on September 14, 1883, in Vienna. His father was a writer and theater critic from Pommern. After his high school final examinations, he studied electro-technology and mechanical engineering at the Vienna University of Technology and physics at the University.

In 1907, he started working at Telefunken in Berlin. He was promoted to intermediary between engineers trained in industrial engineering and the few real scientists. After 1912, a consortium of firms from AEG, Siemens & Halske, Telefunken and Felten & Guilleaume had bought the Lieben tube patent, Meißner invented with this tube a feedback high frequency generator ("Meißner Patent") in 1913. In addition, he was successful in realizing a so-called Oscillating Audion Circuit. He was also involved with antenna superstructures and frequency stabilization using oscillating quartz.

In 1930, he entered the research institute of AEG; altogether he attained over 200 patents. He was married and had a son. He died on January 3, 1958, in Berlin.

Last Update: 2010-12-15