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Quick Reference for Pclasses
These class definitions are copied from the pclasses web page,, with a few minor formatting changes. pstringtemplate <class T>class pstringT { public: pstringT<T>(); //default constructor pstringT<T>(const pstringT<T> &); //copy constructor pstringT<T>(const T *copy); //copy constructor from C-style string pstringT<T>(T ch); //copy constructor from single character virtual ~pstringT<T>(); //destructor inline T * c_str() const; //returns a null-terminated, C-style string inline int length() const; //returns the number of characters in the string int find(const pstringT<T> &str) const; //return index of str or -1 if not found int find(const T ch) const; //return index of ch or -1 if not found pstringT<T> substr(int pos, int len) const; //returns substring from pos of length len T & operator [] (int n); //access a character (mutable) const T operator [] (int n) const; //access a character (immutable) const pstringT<T> & operator = (const pstringT<T> &); //assignment operator const pstringT<T> & operator = (const T * const); //assignment operator from C-style string const pstringT<T> & operator = (const T); //assignment operator from single character const pstringT<T> & operator += (const pstringT<T> &); //concatenation operator const pstringT<T> & operator += (const T * const); //concatenation operator from C-style string const pstringT<T> & operator += (const T); //concatenation operator from single character protected: T *mystring; }; //typedef for regular pstrings typedef pstringT<char> pstring; //concatenation operators template <class T> pstringT<T> operator + (const pstringT<T> &, const pstringT<T> &); template <class T> pstringT<T> operator + (const pstringT<T> &, T); template <class T> pstringT<T> operator + (T, const pstringT<T> &); template <class T> pstringT<T> operator + (const pstringT<T> &, const T * const); template <class T> pstringT<T> operator + (const T * const, const pstringT<T> &); //stream operators template <class T> inline ostream & operator << (ostream &, const pstringT<T> &); template <class T> istream & operator >> (istream &, pstringT<T> &); template <class T> istream & getline(istream &, pstringT<T> &); //comparison operators template <class T> inline bool operator == (const pstringT<T> &, const pstringT<T> &); template <class T> inline bool operator != (const pstringT<T> &, const pstringT<T> &); template <class T> inline bool operator < (const pstringT<T> &, const pstringT<T> &); template <class T> inline bool operator <= (const pstringT<T> &, const pstringT<T> &); template <class T> inline bool operator > (const pstringT<T> &, const pstringT<T> &); template <class T> inline bool operator >= (const pstringT<T> &, const pstringT<T> &); template <class T> ostream & operator << (ostream &os, const pstringT<T> &out) { return os << out.c_str() << flush; } template <class T> istream & operator >> (istream &is, pstringT<T> &in) { fflush(stdin); T input_buffer[4096]; is >> input_buffer; in = input_buffer; return is; } template <class T> istream & getline(istream &is, pstringT<T> &to_get) { fflush(stdin); T getline_buffer[4096]; getline(is, getline_buffer, 4095); to_get = getline_buffer; return is; } template <class T> pstringT<T>::pstringT() { mystring = new T[1]; mystring[0] = 0; } template <class T> pstringT<T>::pstringT(const T *copy) { mystring = new T[strlen(copy) + 1]; //allocate memory strcpy(mystring, copy); //copy string } template <class T> pstringT<T>::pstringT(T ch) { mystring = new T[2]; mystring[0] = ch; mystring[1] = 0; } template <class T> pstringT<T>::pstringT(const pstringT<T> & to_create_from) { mystring = new T[to_create_from.length()+1]; strcpy(mystring, to_create_from.c_str()); //copy string } template <class T> pstringT<T>::~pstringT<T>() { delete[] mystring; } template <class T> T* pstringT<T>::c_str() const { return mystring; } template <class T> int pstringT<T>::length() const { return strlen(mystring); } template <class T> int pstringT<T>::find(const pstringT<T> & str) const { int i, j, endsearch = length() - str.length() + 1; for(i = 0; i < endsearch; i++) { for(; i < endsearch && mystring[i] != str[0]; i++); if(i == endsearch) break; for(j = 0; j < str.length() && mystring[i+j] == str[j]; j++); if(j == str.length()) return i; } return -1; } template <class T> int pstringT<T>::find(const T ch) const { for(int i = 0; i < length(); i++) if(mystring[i] == ch) return i; return -1; } template <class T> pstringT<T> pstringT<T>::substr(int pos, int len) const { if(pos < 0 || len < 0 || pos >= length()) { cerr << "\nError: substring (" << pos << "," << len << ") out of bounds for string \"" << mystring << '\"' << endl; exit(1); } if(pos + len > length()) len = length() - pos; T *result = new T[len + 1]; memcpy(result, mystring + pos, len * sizeof(T)); result[len] = 0; pstringT<T> to_return(result); delete[] result; return to_return; } template <class T> const pstringT<T> & pstringT<T>::operator = (const T * const to_copy) { delete[] mystring; //deallocate mem mystring = new T[strlen(to_copy)+1]; strcpy(mystring, to_copy); //copy string return *this; } template <class T> const pstringT<T> & pstringT<T>::operator = (const T ch) { delete[] mystring; //deallocate memory mystring = new T[2]; mystring[0] = ch; mystring[1] = 0; return *this; } template <class T> const pstringT<T> & pstringT<T>::operator = (const pstringT<T> ©) { return *this = copy.c_str(); //call T pointer copier } template <class T> const pstringT<T> & pstringT<T>::operator += (const T * const to_append) { T *newbuffer = new T[length() + strlen(to_append) + 1]; strcpy(newbuffer, mystring); strcat(newbuffer, to_append); delete[] mystring; mystring = newbuffer; return *this; } template <class T> const pstringT<T> & pstringT<T>::operator += (const pstringT<T> &to_append) { return *this += to_append.c_str(); //append T pointer } template <class T> const pstringT<T> & pstringT<T>::operator += (const T to_append) { T *newstring = new T[length()+2]; strcpy(newstring, mystring); delete[] mystring; mystring = newstring; //points to new string mystring[length()+1] = 0; //null terminator mystring[length()] = to_append; return *this; } template <class T> pstringT<T> operator + (const pstringT<T> & lval, const pstringT<T> & rval) { pstringT<T> to_return(lval); return to_return += rval; } template <class T> pstringT<T> operator + (const pstringT<T> & lval, const T & rval) { pstringT<T> to_return(lval); return to_return += rval; } template <class T> pstringT<T> operator + (T lval, const pstringT<T> & rval) { pstringT<T> to_return(lval); return to_return += rval; } template <class T> pstringT<T> operator + (const pstringT<T> & lval, const T * const rval) { pstringT<T> to_return(lval); return to_return += rval; } template <class T> pstringT<T> operator + (const T * const lval, const pstringT<T> & rval) { pstringT<T> to_return(lval); return to_return += rval; } template <class T> T & pstringT<T>::operator [] (int n) { if(n<0 || n>=length()) { cerr << "\nError: index out of range: " << n << " in string \"" << mystring << "\" of length " << length() << endl; exit(1); } return mystring[n]; } template <class T> const T pstringT<T>::operator [] (int n) const { if(n<0 || n>=length()) { cerr << "\nError: index out of range: " << n << " in string \"" << mystring << "\" of length " << length() << endl; exit(1); } return mystring[n]; } template <class T> bool operator == (const pstringT<T> &lval, const pstringT<T> &rval) { return strcmp(lval.c_str(), rval.c_str()) == 0; } template <class T> bool operator != (const pstringT<T> &lval, const pstringT<T> &rval) { return strcmp(lval.c_str(),rval.c_str()) != 0; } template <class T> bool operator < (const pstringT<T> &lval, const pstringT<T> &rval) { return strcmp(lval.c_str(), rval.c_str()) < 0; } template <class T> bool operator <= (const pstringT<T> &lval, const pstringT<T> &rval) { return strcmp(lval.c_str(), rval.c_str()) <= 0; } template <class T> bool operator > (const pstringT<T> &lval, const pstringT<T> &rval) { return strcmp(lval.c_str(), rval.c_str()) > 0; } template <class T> bool operator >= (const pstringT<T> &lval, const pstringT<T> &rval) { return strcmp(lval.c_str(), rval.c_str()) >= 0; } pvectortemplate <class T>class pvector { public: pvector(); //default constructor pvector(int size); //constructor with specific dimension pvector(int size, const T &fill_val); //create a pvector with a default fill value pvector(const pvector<T> &); //copy constructor virtual ~pvector(); //destructor void resize(int new_size); //resize the vector inline int length() const; //returns number of elements in pvector T & operator [] (int index); //access a particular array element (mutable) const T & operator [] (int index) const; //access a particular array element (immutable) const pvector<T> & operator = (const pvector<T> &); //assignment operator protected: T *array; int len; }; template <class T> pvector<T>::pvector() :array(0), len(0) {} template <class T> pvector<T>::pvector(int size) { if(size <= 0) { cerr << "\nError: invalid pvector dimension: " << size << endl; exit(1); } array = new T[size]; len = size; } template <class T> pvector<T>::pvector(int size, const T &fill_val) { array = new T[size]; len = size; for(int i=0; i<size; i++) array[i] = fill_val; } template <class T> pvector<T>::pvector(const pvector<T> &vec) { array = new T[vec.length()]; for(int i=0; i<vec.length(); i++) array[i] = vec[i]; len = vec.length(); } template <class T> pvector<T>::~pvector() { delete[] array; } template <class T> int pvector<T>::length() const { return len; } template <class T> T & pvector<T>::operator [] (int index) { if(index < 0 || index >= length()) { cerr << "\nError: index out of range: " << index << " in pvector of length " << length() << endl; exit(1); } return array[index]; } template <class T> const T & pvector<T>::operator [] (int index) const { if(index < 0 || index >= length()) { cerr << "\nError: index out of range: " << index << " in pvector of length " << length() << endl; exit(1); } return array[index]; } template <class T> const pvector<T> & pvector<T>::operator = (const pvector<T> & vec) { delete[] array; array = new T[vec.length()]; for(int i=0; i<vec.length(); i++) array[i] = vec[i]; len = vec.length(); return *this; } template <class T> void pvector<T>::resize(int new_size) { if(new_size <= 0) { cerr << "\nError: invalid pvector dimension: " << new_size << endl; exit(1); } T *newarray = new T[new_size]; int minsize = (new_size<len)?new_size:len; for(int i=0; i<minsize; i++) newarray[i] = array[i]; delete[] array; array = newarray; len = new_size; } pmatrixtemplate <class T>class pmatrix { public: pmatrix(); //default constructor pmatrix(int rows, int cols); //constructor with dimensions pmatrix(int rows, int cols, const T & fillvalue); //constructor with default fill value pmatrix(const pmatrix<T> &); //copy constructor virtual ~pmatrix(); //destructor void resize(int rows, int cols); //change matrix dimensions inline int numrows() const; //returns number of rows in pmatrix inline int numcols() const; //returns number of columns in pmatrix inline pvector<T> & operator [] (int index); //access a particular array element (mutable) inline const pvector<T> & operator [] (int index) const;//access a particular array element (immutable) const pmatrix<T> & operator = (const pmatrix<T> &); //assignment operator protected: pvector< pvector<T> > matrix; }; template <class T> pmatrix<T>::pmatrix() {} template <class T> pmatrix<T>::pmatrix(int rows, int cols) { resize(rows,cols); } template <class T> pmatrix<T>::pmatrix(int rows, int cols, const T & fillvalue) { resize(rows,cols); for(int x = 0; x < rows; x++) for(int y = 0; y < cols; y++) matrix[x][y] = fillvalue; } template <class T> pmatrix<T>::pmatrix(const pmatrix<T> & copy) { *this = copy; } template <class T> pmatrix<T>::~pmatrix() {} template <class T> int pmatrix<T>::numrows() const { return matrix.length(); } template <class T> int pmatrix<T>::numcols() const { return (matrix.length())?matrix[0].length():0; } template <class T> void pmatrix<T>::resize(int rows, int cols) { matrix.resize(rows); for(int x = 0; x < rows; x++) matrix[x].resize(cols); //resize each individual vector } template <class T> const pmatrix<T> & pmatrix<T>::operator = (const pmatrix<T> & copy) { matrix = copy.matrix; //copy vector of vectors return *this; } template <class T> const pvector<T> & pmatrix<T>::operator [] (int index) const { return matrix[index]; } template <class T> pvector<T> & pmatrix<T>::operator [] (int index) { return matrix[index]; } pstacktemplate <class T>class pstack { public: pstack(); //default constructor pstack(const pstack<T> &); //copy constructor virtual ~pstack(); //destructor void push(T storage); //push data onto stack void pop(T & storage); //pop data off stack and store in parameter const T pop(); //pop data off stack and return const T top() const; //returns top value without popping void makeEmpty(); //empty the stack inline bool isEmpty() const; //returns true if stack is empty inline int length() const; //returns number of elements on stack const pstack<T> & operator = (const pstack<T> &); //assignment operator protected: struct node { T data; node *next; node() :next(0) {} node(const T & a) :next(0), data(a) {} } *sp; int size; }; template <class T> pstack<T>::pstack() :sp(0), size(0) {} template <class T> pstack<T>::pstack(const pstack<T> ©) :sp(0), size(0) { *this = copy; } template <class T> pstack<T>::~pstack() { makeEmpty(); } //push a value onto the stack template <class T> void pstack<T>::push(T storage) { //create new data node *newnode = new node; newnode->next=sp; newnode->data=storage; sp = newnode; ++size; } //pop a value off of stack template <class T> void pstack<T>::pop(T & storage) { if(isEmpty()) { cerr << "\nError: accessing empty stack through method pstack::pop\n"; exit(1); } //store data storage = sp->data; //delete node and move stack pointer back one node *temp = sp; sp = sp->next; delete temp; --size; } //pop a value off of stack and return it template <class T> const T pstack<T>::pop() { T val; pop(val); return val; } template <class T> const T pstack<T>::top() const { if(isEmpty()) { cerr << "\nError: accessing empty stack through method pstack::top\n"; exit(1); } return sp->data; } template <class T> int pstack<T>::length() const { return size; } template <class T> void pstack<T>::makeEmpty() { node *temp; //iterate through list, deleting each elements while(sp!=0) { temp = sp; sp = sp->next; delete temp; } size = 0; } template <class T> bool pstack<T>::isEmpty() const { return size == 0; } template <class T> const pstack<T> & pstack<T>::operator = (const pstack<T> & copy) { makeEmpty(); if(copy.isEmpty()) return *this; sp = new node(copy.sp->data); node *newnode,*end = sp; for(newnode = copy.sp->next; newnode; newnode = newnode->next) { end->next = new node(newnode->data); end = end->next; } size = copy.size; return *this; } pqueuetemplate <class T>class pqueue { public: pqueue(); //default constructor pqueue(const pqueue<T> &); //copy constructor virtual ~pqueue(); //destructor void enqueue(const T &data); //enqueue data to queue void dequeue(T &storage); //storage holds the data that is dequeued const T dequeue(); //dequeue to return value const T & front() const; //returns top value without dequeueing void makeEmpty(); //empty the queue inline bool isEmpty() const; //returns true if queue is empty inline int length() const; //find out the number of queued items const pqueue<T> & operator = (const pqueue<T> &); //assignment operator protected: struct node { T data; node *next; node() :next(0) {} node(const T &a) :next(0), data(a) {} } *head, *tail; int size; }; template <class T> pqueue<T>::pqueue() :head(0), tail(0), size(0) {} template <class T> pqueue<T>::pqueue(const pqueue<T> ©) :head(0), tail(0), size(0) { *this = copy; } template <class T> pqueue<T>::~pqueue() { makeEmpty(); } template <class T> void pqueue<T>::enqueue(const T &data) { node *newnode = new node(data); //end of queue if(size==0) //make sure queue exists { head = newnode; tail = head; } else { tail->next = newnode; tail = newnode; } ++size; } template <class T> void pqueue<T>::dequeue(T &storage) { if(head==0) { cerr << "\nError: accessing empty queue through method pqueue::dequeue\n"; exit(1); } storage = head->data; //save to var node *temp = head; //make a new node head = head->next; //iterate delete temp; //delete the node --size; //decrement size } template <class T> const T pqueue<T>::dequeue() { T val; //store to temporary variable dequeue(val); //dequeue return val; } template <class T> const T & pqueue<T>::front() const { if(head==0) { cerr << "\nError: accessing empty queue through method pqueue::front\n"; exit(1); } return head->data; } template <class T> void pqueue<T>::makeEmpty() { node *temp; while(head) { temp = head; head = head->next; delete temp; } size = 0; } template <class T> const pqueue<T> & pqueue<T>::operator = (const pqueue<T> & copy) { makeEmpty(); if(copy.isEmpty()) return *this; head = new node(copy.head->data); tail = head; node *newnode; for(newnode = copy.head->next; newnode; newnode = newnode->next) { tail->next = new node(newnode->data); tail = tail->next; } size = copy.size; return *this; } template <class T> int pqueue<T>::length() const { return size; } template <class T> bool pqueue<T>::isEmpty() const { return size == 0; }
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