The Chemistry of Paints and Painting is a free textbook on chemical aspects of painting. See the editorial for more information....


As the grounds, vehicles, and pigments employed in painting have been already described in Parts I., II., and III. of this volume, it will not be necessary to do more in the present chapter than give a summary or general view of the chemistry of each method of employing these materials.

These methods are six in number, and may be thus defined:

Methods Vehicles Changes during Fixing
Tempera Egg-yolk emulsion; solution of gelatin or albumen Desiccation or coagulation
Fresco lime-water, in both buon' fresco and fresco secco Carbonation
Stereochromy Aqueous solutions of alkaline silicates Formation of insoluble silicates
Oil - Painting and Spirit- Fresco Oil, and solutions of resin, wax, paraffin Oxidation, resinification, evaporation, solidification
Water-Colour Aqueous solutions of gum, glycerin, honey Desiccation
Pastel,Charcoal, Plumbago, Silver-Point None None

Last Update: 2011-01-23