The Chemistry of Paints and Painting is a free textbook on chemical aspects of painting. See the editorial for more information....

Bibliographical Notes

  • Blockx, J., 'Peinture à l'Huile.' Pp. iv, 98. Gand, 1881.
  • Cennini, Cennino, 'The Book of the Art.' Translated into English by Mrs. C. J. Herringham, with Notes on Mediĉval Methods by the Translator. Pp. xxxviii, 288. London, 1899.
  • Church-Ostwald, 'Farben und Malerei.' Pp. xii, 376. München, 1908.
  • Eastlake, Sir C. L., 'Materials for a History of Oil- Painting.' Series I., pp. xii, 561; Series II., pp. xv, 432. London, 1847, 1869.
  • Field, G., ' Chromatography,' modernized by J. Scott Taylor. Pp. viii, 207. Second edition. London, 1885.
  • Hurst, G. H., 'Painters' Colours, Oils, and Varnishes.' Fifth edition, revised by Noel Heaton. Pp. xii, 528. London, 1913.
  • Jametel, Maurice, 'L'Encre de Chine.' Pp. xxx, 94. Paris, 1882.
  • Lapparent, P. de, 'Les Alterations des Couleurs.' Pp. 36. Paris [1900].
  • Laurie, A. P., 'The Materials of the Painter's Craft in Europe and Egypt.' Pp. xvi, 444. London and Edinburgh, 1910.
  • Laurie, A. P., 'The Pigments and Mediums of the Old Masters.' Pp. xvi, 192. London, 1914.
  • Moreau-Vauthier, Ch., 'La Peinture.' Pp. xii, 322. Paris, 1912.
  • Ostwald, W., 'Letters to a Painter.' Translated from the German by H. W. Morse. Pp. viii, 162. Boston, U.S.A., 1906.
  • Parry, Ernest J., and Coste, John H., 'The Chemistry of Pigments' Pp. viii, 280. London, 1902.
  • Russell, W. J., and Abney, W. de W., 'Action of Light on Water-Colours' (Blue-Book). Pp. 78. Appendix of 14 diagrams. London, 1888.
  • Solomon, Solomon J., 'The Practice of Oil-Painting.' Pp. xvi, 278. London, 1910.
  • Vasari, Giorgio, 'On Technique.' Translated by Louisa S. Maclehose; edited and annotated by Professor G. Baldwin Brown. Pp. xxiv, 328. London, 1907.

Last Update: 2011-01-23