The ebook Elementary Calculus is based on material originally written by H.J. Keisler. For more information please read the copyright pages.

Integration By Change Of Variables (Integration By Substitution)

E. INTEGRATION BY CHANGE OF VARIABLES (Integration by Substitution)

Suppose an integral has the form


When we make the substitution u = g(x), du = g'(x) dx, the integral becomes ∫ f(u) du. This new integral is often simpler than the original one.

Example 6
Example 7

Clue: If an integral invokes √x, try the substitution u = √x, dx = 2u du. If an integral involves 08_exp-log_functions-574.gif, try 08_exp-log_functions-575.gif

Example 8

Clue If an integral has the form ∫f(ax2 + b)x dx, try u = ax2 + b, du = ax dx.

If the derivatives in formulas I-XII are solidly memorized, then one can often recognize integrals of the form ∫ f(g(x))g'(x) dx and find the right substitution. Here are three more clues.

Clue Given ∫ f(ax)ax dx, put ax = ex ln a and try the substitution u = ax,du = (ln a)ax dx.

Clue Given ∫ f(sin x) cos x dx, try u = sin x, du = cos x dx.

Clue Given ∫ f(sin x, cos x) dx, try the substitution u = tan (x/2). It can be shown using trigonometric identities that


Last Update: 2006-11-05