The ebook Elementary Calculus is based on material originally written by H.J. Keisler. For more information please read the copyright pages.

Example 2

If money is received at the rate f(t) = 2t dollars per year, and earns interest at the annual rate of 7%, how much will be accumulated from times r = 0 to f = 10?

The formula gives


We first find the indefinite integral.


Let u = -0.07t, du = -0.07 dt. Then


Using integration by parts,


Therefore 08_exp-log_functions-198.gif

When f = 0, u = 0 and when f = 10, u = -0.7. Thus


The answer is $ 128.08.

Notice that if the money were placed under a mattress and earned no interest, the capital accumulated between times f = 0 and t = 10 would be


The formula for capital accumulation also has a meaning when f(t) is negative part or all of the time. A negative value of f(t) means that money is being paid out instead of received. When f(t) is negative, money must be either withdrawn from the bank account or else borrowed from the bank at interest rate r. The formula


then represents the net gain or loss of capital from times f = a to f = b, provided that the bank pays interest on savings and charges interest on loans at the same rate r.

Last Update: 2006-11-15