The ebook Elementary Calculus is based on material originally written by H.J. Keisler. For more information please read the copyright pages.

Direct Test


Suppose c is the only interior critical point of f, and u, v are points in I with u < c < v.

(i) If f(c) > f(u) and f(c) > f(v)> then g has a maximum at c and nowhere else.

(ii) If f(c) < f(u) and f(c) < f(v), then f has a minimum at c and nowhere else.

(iii) Otherwise, f has neither a maximum nor a minimum at c.

The three cases in the Direct Test are shown in Figure 3.5.6. The advantage of the Direct Test is that one can determine whether f has a maximum or minimum at c by computing only the three values f(u),f(v), and f(c) instead of computing all values of f(x).


Figure 3.5.6


We must prove that if two points of I are on the same side of c, their values are on the same side of f(c). Suppose, for instance, that u1 < u2 < c (Figure 3.5.7). On the closed interval [u1, c] the only critical points are the endpoints. Thus when we restrict f to this interval, it has a maximum at one endpoint and a minimum at the other. If the maximum is at c, then f(u1) and f(u2) are both less than f(c); if the minimum is at c, then f(u1) and f(u2) are both greater than f(c). A similar proof works when c < v1 < v2.


Figure 3.5.7


Last Update: 2006-11-25