The ebook Elementary Calculus is based on material originally written by H.J. Keisler. For more information please read the copyright pages.

Deriving Exponential Functions

The derivative of 10x is a constant times 10x, approximately

(d(10x))/dx ~ (2.303)10x.

To see this let Δx be a nonzero infinitesimal. Then


The number st[(10Δx — 1)/Δx] is a constant which does not depend on x and can be shown to be approximately 2.303.

If we start with a given positive real number b instead of 10, we obtain the exponential function with base b, y = bx. The derivative of bx is equal to the constant .st[(bΔx - 1)/Δx] times bx. This constant depends on b. The derivative is computed as follows:


Last Update: 2010-11-25