The ebook Elementary Calculus is based on material originally written by H.J. Keisler. For more information please read the copyright pages.

Rules For Infinitesimal, Finite and Infinite Numbers

Assume that ε, δ are infinitesimals; b, c are hyperreal numbers that are finite but not infinitesimal; and H, K are infinite hyperreal numbers.

(i) Real numbers:

The only infinitesimal real number is 0.

Every real number is finite.

(ii) Negatives:

-ε is infinitesimal.

-b is finite but not infinitesimal.

-H is infinite.

(iii) Reciprocals:

If ε ≠ 0, 1/ε is infinite.

1/b is finite but not infinitesimal.

1/H is infinitesimal.

(iv) Sums:

ε + δ is infinitesimal.

b + ε is finite but not infinitesimal.

b + c is finite (possibly infinitesimal).

H + ε and H + b are infinite.

(v) Products:

5 · ε and b · ε are infinitesimal.

b · c is finite but not infinitesimal.

H · b and H · K are infinite.

(vi) Quotients:

ε/b, ε/H, and b/H are infinitesimal.

b/c is finite but not infinitesimal.

b/ε, H/ε, and H/b are infinite, provided that ε ≠ 0.

(vii) Roots:

If ε >0,01_real_and_hyperreal_numbers-98.gifis infinitesimal.

If b > 0,01_real_and_hyperreal_numbers-99.gifis finite but not infinitesimal.

If H >0,.01_real_and_hyperreal_numbers-100.gifis infinite.

Notice that we have given no rule for the following combinations:

ε/δ, the quotient of two infinitesimals.

H/K, the quotient of two infinite numbers.

Hε, the product of an infinite number and an infinitesimal.

H+K, the sum of two infinite numbers.

Each of these can be either infinitesimal, finite but not infinitesimal, or infinite, depending on what ε, δ, H, and K are. For this reason, they are called indeterminate forms.

Here are three very different quotients of infinitesimals.

01_real_and_hyperreal_numbers-101.gif is infinitesimal (equal to ε).

01_real_and_hyperreal_numbers-102.gif is finite but not infinitesimal (equal to 1).

01_real_and_hyperreal_numbers-103.gif is infinite (equal to 01_real_and_hyperreal_numbers-104.gif)

Table 1.5.1 shows the three possibilities for each indeterminate form.

Table 1.5.1
indeterminate form Examples
infinitesimal finite (equal to 1) finite
ε/δ ε2 ε/ε ε/ε2
H/K H/H2 H/H H2/H
H · (1/H2) H · (1/H) H2 · (1/H)
H + K H + (-H) (H + 1) + (-H) H + H

Here are some examples which show how to use our rules.

Example 1

The next three examples are quotients of infinitesimals.

Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5

Last Update: 2006-11-15