Electrical Communication is a free textbook on the basics of communication technology. See the editorial for more information....


1. Annual Report, Western Union Telegraph Co., 1948.

2. American Standard Definitions oj Electrical Terms, 1941, A.I.E.E.

3. PENDER, H., and K. MCILWAIN. Electrical Engineers' Handbook, Volume 2. Electric Communication and Electronics, John Wiley & Sons.

4. BELL, J. H. Composite Telegraphy. Bell Lab. Record, December, 1928, Vol. 7, No. 4.

5. HAMILTON, B. P. Single-line Telegraphy in Early Bell System Practice. Bell Lab. Record, November, 1945, Vol. 23, No. 11.

6. McNICOL, A. M. American Telegraph Practice. McGraw-Hill Book Co.

7. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 21, 14th edition, "Telegraphy."

8. GLAZEBROOK, R. A. A Dictionary of Applied Physics. Vol. 2, Electricity. The Macmillan Company.

9. BELL, J. H. Printing Telegraph Systems. Trans. A.I.E.E., Vol. 39, Part I, p. 167, 1920.

10. DUSENBERRY, W. L. Teletypewriter Service and Its Present Day Uses. Bell Telephone Quarterly, April, 1931, Vol. 10, No. 2.

11. WATSON, E. F. General Features of Teletypewriters, Bell Lab. Record, October, 1938, Vol. 17, No. 2.

12. SWEZEY, B. S. A New Page Teletypewriter. Bell Lab. Record, April, 1939, Vol. 17, No. 8.

13. Long Lines Department, American Telephone and Telegraph Co. Principles of Electricity Applied to Telephone and Telegraph Work.

14. Some Features of the Telephone and Telegraph Systems, Part II. National Electric Light Association. Publication 144, July, 1931.

15. D'HUMY, F. E., and P. J. HOWE. American Telegraphy After 100 Years. Trans. A.I.E.E., Vol. 63, 1944.

16. DUNCAN, J. A., R. D. PARKER, and R. E. PIERCE. Telegraphy in the Bell System. Trans. A.I.E.E., Vol. 63, 1944,

17. NYQUIST, H. Certain Topics in Telephone Transmission Theory. Trans. A.I.E.E., April, 1928, Vol. 47.

18. HERMAN, J. Signal Distortion and Morse Transmission Quality. Bell System Tech. J., April, 1929, Vol. 8, p. 267.

19. WATSON, E. F. Fundamentals of Teletypewriters used in the Bell System. Bell System Tech. J., October, 1938, Vol. 17, No. 4.

20. SHANCK, R. B., F. A. COWAN, and S. I. CORY. Recent Developments in the Measurement of Telegraph Transmission. Bell System Tech. J., January, 1939, Vol. 18, No. 1.

21. NYQUIST, H., R. B. SHANCK, and S. I. CORY. Measurement of Telegraph Transmission. Trans. A.I.E.E., February, 1927, Vol. 46.

22. SHANCK, R. B. Neutralization of Telephone Crossfire. Bell System Tech. J., July, 1926, Vol. 5, No. 3.

23. KING, R. W. The Aurora Borealis. Bell Telephone Quarterly, April, 1926, Vol. 5, No. 2.

24. CORR, M. S. Earth Current Measurements. Bell Lab. Record,, December, 1935, Vol. 14, No. 4.

25. CONNERY, A. F. Non-Rotary Regenerative Repeater. Trans. A.I.E.E., Vol, 46; p. 897, 1927,

26. BELL, J. H. Regenerative Telegraph Repeater. Bell Lab. Record, August, 1930, Vol. 8, No. 12.

27. BELL, J. H. Reforming Telegraph Signals. Bell Lab. Record, July, 1936, Vol. 14, No. 11.

28. McCANN, T. A. Developing the 106A1 Regenerative Telegraph Repeater. Bell Lab. Record, October, 1936, Vol. 15, No. 2.

29. WILDER, H. F. Electronic Regeneration of Teleprinter Signals. Elec. Eng., January, 1946, Vol. 65, No. 1.

30. HEARN, R. B. An Electronic Regenerative Repeater for Teletypewriter Signals. Trans. A.I.E.E., Vol. 66, 1947.

31. HOLCOMB, JR., P. Basic Principles of the Varioplex Telegraph. Trans. A.I.E.E., Vol. 60, 1941.

32. SHUTE, E. R. The Varioplex: A New Development in Telegraphy. Trans, A, I. E. E., Vol. 60, 1941.

33. BRAMHALL, F. B. High-speed Voice-frequency Carrier Telegraph System. Trans A.I.E.E., Vol. 59, 1940.

34. COLPITTS, E. H., and 0. B. BLACK WELL. Carrier Current Telephony and Telegraphy. Trans. A.I.E.E., February, 1921, Vol. 40.

35. HAMILTON, B. P., H. NYQUIST, M. B. LONG, and W. A. PHELPS. Voice-frequency Carrier Telegraph System for Cables. Trans A.I.E.E., February, 1925, Vol. 44.

36. MATTE, A. L. Advances in Carrier Telegraph Transmission. Bell System Tech. J., April, 1940, Vol. 19, No. 2.

37. BRAMHALL, F. B. Carrier Telegraph Systems. Elec. Eng., August, 1944, Vol. 63, No. 8.

38. DAVEY, J. R., and MATTE. Frequency Shift Telegraphy - Radio and Wire Applications. Trans. A. L E. E., Vol. 66, 1947.

39. CUSACK, F. H., and A. E. MICHON. An FM Telegraph Terminal Without Relays. Trans. A.I.E.E., Vol. 66, 1947.

40. SINGER, F. J. The Teletypewriter Exchange Network. Bell Lab. Record, January, 1938, Vol. 16, No. 5.

41. KNOWLTON, A. D., G. A, LOCKE, and F. J. SINGER. Switchboards and Signaling Facilities of the Teletypewriter Exchange System. Bell System Tech. J., October, 1936, Vol. 15, No. 4.

42. PIERCE, R. E., and E. W. BEMIS. A Transmission System for Teletypewriter Exchange Service. Bell System Tech. J., October, 1936, Vol. 15, No. 4.

43. BELL, J. H., R. B. SHANCK, and D. E. BRANSON. Metallic Polar-Duplex Telegraph Systems for Cables. Trans. A.I.E.E., Vol. 44, p. 316, 1925.

44. POLLARD, L. G. Western Union Teletype Facsimile. A.I.E.E. Technical Paper No. 48-74, December, 1947.

45. PRATT, H., and J. K. ROOSEVELT. Developments in the Field of Cable and Radio Telegraph Communications. Trans. A.I.E.E., Vol. 63, 1944.

46. CRAMER, C. H. Some Modern Techniques in Ocean Cable Telegraphy. Elec. Eng., August, 1947, Vol. 66, No. 8.

47. CLOKEY, A. A. Automatic Printing Equipment for Long Loaded Submarine Telegraph Cables. Bell System Tech. J., July, 1927, Vol. 6.

48. ANGEL, H. Printing Telegraphs on Non-Loaded Ocean Cables. Trans.

A.I.E.E., Vol. 46, p. 884, 1927. 19. COGGESHALL, I. S. Submarine Telegraphy in the Post War Decade. Trans.

A.I.E.E., April, 1930, Vol. 49, p. 476.

50. CURTIS, A. M. The Application of Vacuum Tube Amplifiers to Submarine Telegraph Cables. Bell System Tech, J., July, 1927, Vol. 6.

51. MILNOR, J. W. Picture Transmission by Submarine Cable. Trans. A.I.E.E., Vol. 60, 1941.

52. GILBERT, J. J. Extraneous Interference on Submarine Telegraph Cables. Bell System Tech. J., July, 1926, Vol. 5.

Last Update: 2011-05-18